AGS (Auto Gear Shifting) vs AT (Automatic)

Maruti Suzuki is one such automobile manufacturer, which is providing Automatic Gear Shift (AGS) technology as well as Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) and Automatic Transmission (AT) options. Driving becomes all the more comfortable with the absence of a clutch pedal. Also, there is no need to shift gears. These features make Maruti Suzuki cars more fuel efficient and are most preferred in India AGS (Auto Gear Shifting) Introduced by Maruti Suzuki in 2014, Auto Gear Shift, or AGS technology, controls the operation of the clutch and the gear shifts automatically. This makes the driving experience easier for the person on the wheel. The system uses Intelligent Shift Control Actuator, an electric hydraulic actuator. It also enables drivers to get the experience of latest two-pedal technology. AGS allows synchronized control over the clutch, shifting, and engine making gear changes smoother. It brings together the advantages of both manual and automatic transmissions. With AGS ...